In Iowa, we have the unique opportunity to vet presidents in a way like no one else in the country. During this election cycle, I have been fortunate enough to get a behind-the-scenes look at almost all the candidates campaigning in Iowa. This year has been different partly due to its late start, but it still continues to be a knockdown, drag-out brawl to the finish line in Iowa. We have all heard loads of rhetoric, and in many cases with few actual solutions, highlighted by the debt ceiling debate.
Every candidate talks about leading, but heading into some of the toughest decisions in our nation’s history the real question is, “on what do you plan to lead?” You can lead with rhetoric, but, unfortunately our country is currently facing the dire consequences of empty rhetoric. You can lead on record but in what direction does a candidate's record take us?
To beat Barack Obama we need someone willing to be honest enough to know when to admit their mistakes and move on, as well as, someone willing to stand on their principles no matter what.
Conservative leadership isn’t about compromising with socialism, it’s about demonstrating conservatism. It’s because of the leadership of those like Congresswoman Bachmann, that the results we are seeing in DC are starting to shift. That's quite a feat since that’s a town that doesn’t move easily.
Michele Bachmann has demonstrated her leadership time and again by standing in the gap. Her leadership has been instrumental in shifting the entire debate in Washington. Without Congresswoman Bachmann’s leadership an even worse sellout on the debt ceiling was inevitable. Without her leadership, 'Obamacare' would have had a much clearer path. Without her leadership cap and trade would have happened.
She and her family have been under constant attack, yet she has stood firm and advanced the idea that as individuals, we know how to spend our money, and run our life better than some bureaucrat in Washington.
After spending time with her, I saw someone who lives the way she talks. She is a genuine conservative. This is why I believe with her leadership we will repeal 'Obamacare,' we will balance the budget, we will get rid of the czars, we will repair our relationship with our international allies, and we will live in a blessed and prosperous nation once again. I’ll proudly be voting for Michele Bachmann for President in 2012.
Ryan Rhodes is founder and Chairman of the Iowa Tea Party, a group based in Des Moines, Iowa. He ran unsuccessfully for the Iowa House while still in college at Iowa State University in 2008 and managed a Congressional primary race for Dave Funk. He also recently consulted on multiple Iowa State House and State Senate candidates in the the largest single election flip where Senate Republicans picked up 6 seat in the Iowa State Senate.